learnings from 2 years of software dev ๐Ÿฅด


3 min read

premise :

  1. you are sitting on a tight-tight seat <Tuco's voice> in a college, waiting to complete the last answer you have to write.

  2. next 5 mins, you write whatever comes to your mind, you are off college life ๐Ÿ˜‡, now since you have a job offer in tech in some company X in Bangalore. you are chilled af, will be in bangalore in august this year, life would be so good !

  3. thinking this in back of your mind, you went to get that delicious cheese maggi with friends and a nightout.

fast forward :

  1. you are in bangalore, today was your 1st day. you got your laptop, and made creds for things : google account, slack, confluence, github, got an IP for some service X to look into, ssh'd into it and looked at logs, but nothing makes sense.

  2. next week, I am an imposter, how should I learn all this, this is too tough, how should I become better ?


  1. setups things locally, be it code, dev setup, tooling, docker containers, setting things locally help you in 2 ways

    Saves you from ssh'ing and vim <oh my god, use nano>

    Increases repeatability, code - compile - run - debug - code for the win !

  2. learn docker, don't change your laptop's global env for good, use virtualisation and communicate only via port forwarding.

  3. learn any scripting lang, write code fast. if a ML nerd python should be your functional language, do POCs in python and then re-write all the logic in whatever main language company X is using.

  4. Participate in hackathons, learn from people. exchange ideas and code, learn how to present "what you thought was the next million INR idea".

  5. learn how to use github please, before raising a PR for senior dev do sanity yourself, learn how to write meaningful commit messages for every PR that you raise and for god's sake please "squash and merge"; helps more than you can imagine in that 1 prod fat gaya scenario !

  6. learn, not just read code, how to do this you ask, let's take mongo-db as an example, you know nothing about right now

    1. goto official mongo docs, see what features does it provides <CRUD>

    2. whatever lang you are comfortable in, see it's client side API

    3. run docker daemon, and do `docker run mongo:latest`

    4. write simple 4 CRUD ops using the lib, download mongo compass and connect to mongo server, see what you are doing from lib in UI, you already are good to use mongo now, have fun !

  7. read tech blogs, learn what is LLD, HLD, CDC, transactions, how to write SQL that gets work done, atomicity, NFRs <non functional runs> etc

  8. follow people who add value to your personal life, who teach you how to live <philosophical side>, how to be better <code POV>, ask meaningful questions <gpt answers first, it's pretty good>

  9. follow this legend : arpit bhayani
